Wednesday, February 4, 2009

All In ?

The following Men are confirmed for BW 09:

Josh P.
Keith S.
Dwayne B.
Derek B-L
Jeff C.

Dave A.
Todd P.
Scott M.
Brian B.
Carl R.
Rob C.
Dave E.

The following Men are still trying to work it out:

Joel W.
Jim R.
Brian D.
George G.
Dan B.

The following Men can't make it this year:

Doug L.
Jim M.
Ken J.

Please leave a comment if you know of someone who is on the wrong list, or who is missing from the lists.

Food arrangements will be posted by Friday this week..please check back.


Anonymous said...

rob c is in and bringing tips

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon.
Rob C has been added to the "in" list.

His food contribution will be added to the appropriate post.

Have you forwarded the blog link to him?

Dew said...

Ken J. can't make it this year.

Dew said...

Has anyone called Stan the Schwann's man yet?

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is CP not on any list?

I will be bringing Meatballs w/ sauce, cheese & rolls as well as the Shaffer classic Hot Dogs and Beans.

What do you mean Joel is trying to work it out. If Joel doesn't go, I'm not going.

Derek seemed to be best buddys with the Schwann's guy so maybe he should call.

Anonymous said...

Joel has a job performing a fireworks show on Cannon Mountain that weekend.

He may show up for a time but it's likely that there won't be fireworks this year boys.

Dew said...

Guess we'll have to bring some sparklers? Don't think a road trip to Cannon would be the best idea.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to pitch in some money for fireworks? We can see what they have at that place in Hooksett.

Dew said...

I'm in - $20

Anonymous said...

From the rumors I've heard this will not be a BOYS WEEKEND BUT A COUPLES WEEKEND. Might as well call it a sissy weekend