Wednesday, February 4, 2009

About the eats.

Something new!

Looks like many people have a special dish that they would like to bring. So lets try it. Keep in mind we are looking to cover 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, and 2 lunches.

Don't worry if you culinarily challenged we will still need drinks, chips, bread, bagels etc.

I will not be collecting any money for food if we can cover all meals. I will bring all paper products, coffee, and plastic ware and firewood as my contribution. Let's get the ball rolling by having each of you post a "comment" with what you'd like to bring and we'll go from there.


Anonymous said...

Rob is bringing Steak Tips to share.

Dew said...

I'm thinking breakfast items - english muffins, peanut butter, jelly, waffles, butter, syrup, bananas - and Bloody's - of course!

Anonymous said...

I've got Hot Dogs and Beans for Friday Night and another batch for Saturday afternoon as well as Meatball Subs for Saturday night. I'm sure what I bring will not be a full meal for everyone but my stuff mixed with others stuff and some munchies will work fine.

ps make sure the heater is on in the Taj.

Anonymous said...

Them crab legs look good don't they JP? Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Can't we post photos of Josh with Crab?

Jim Marcoux said...

Sorry boys, can't make it this year. The wife planned a wonderful week in Fla with my FATHER-IN LAW. be safe and have a great time.
Jim m

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you Jim. Have a great time in Fl.

Anonymous said...

I'll bring kielbasa, and a big homemade mac-n-cheese


Anonymous said...

I've got a list going of Who's Bringing What. If you want it please let me know.