Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Set In Stone

Fellow Weenders:

The BW09 date has been set...mark your calendars and save your pennies.

FEBRUARY 20,21 & 22

Further details will be forthcoming. For now, just wanted to get the date out there and get the ball rolling. Bookmark this site and check back often for updates.



Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Taco Pie and good helping of Evil Dew's ass.

Anonymous said...

This photo is so f-in funny.

I'm obviously poluted.

We are playing cards but there are no chips. What were we playing?

Dew is holding his cards backwards.


Dew said...

I think we were playing to see who had to get the next round of beers!
I usually don't cover up on my ass stink, I enjoy it, so it must have been yours.
The cards are actually facing me, it's the trick photography.

kdiggity said...

I question the validity of your comment birthday boy!