Friday, January 16, 2009

From the BW Archives


Anonymous said...

that was my rookie season look how young i still look... sigh

Anonymous said...

Be happy JP - you are still young. Trust me, it flies by. Before you know it you'll be 300lbs, divorced, and a father of 10 nagging bitches. Not that I would know because fortunately I'm only 220 lbs, married, and father to 4 wonderful young ladies...or something like that.

Who is wearing the tuke giving the peace sign at the front of the photo? Is that CP or Jeff C?

Who took this picture?

Dew must be cocked. Look at his chips. I've never seen his chips in such disarray

God I miss Joe. I wish I made a better effort to spend more time with him. One of the highlights of BW is always seeing the people you don't get to see all the time.

Check out Kenny in the background...just chillin.

Look at Doug acting all pissed and banging his hand on the table for effect. He's screaming "Cut the shit Keith...I'M SERIOUS!" He's so intimidating...not. And I'm like "Whatever guy"

Okay, I'll stop.

Any one else have any other commentary for this photo?

Anyone ever have something funny happen to them on the ride up to BW? Let's play a game. Some one should make a very short statement about a trip to BW and the rest of us will have to try to remember if we were there and who all of the participant were. Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Who ever shared this photo please share more!

Chris said...

That looks like a Derek hat Keith.

Anonymous said...

Keith I think beepa looks angry because joe and i started to horse around and he had to yell at us remember?

Note the "we just got yelled at" looks on our faces hahah

Anonymous said...

And for your game Keith----see if you can remember this one

"........ Like dick?"


Anonymous said...

Is the answer:
"Josh really"
"Your breath smells"
"Your finger feels"
...I'm all out right now...I will reload and return.

Anonymous said...

Yes Josh, I think your right. This was right after the famous Joe vs Josh Round 4 "Mayhem at Maidstone" He was so pissed. He kept saying "Joe knock it off...IM SERIOUS". It is so hard to take him seriously.

GOOD TIMES..............